PREMi - Articles

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The Power of Mediation in Safeguarding Parental Rights and Combating Neglect and Abuse in Michigan

by Philip Schaedler Introduction In the realm of family law, Michigan, like many other states, grapples with the delicate balance between protecting parental rights and ensuring the safety and well-being of children. Cases involving allegations of parental neglect and...

Michigan Court of Appeals Reverses Circuit Court Vacatur of Public Sector Labor Arbitration Award

By Lee Hornberger, Arbitrator and Mediator Introduction     This article reviews Michigan Dep’t of State Police v Michigan State Police Troopers Ass’n, ___ Mich App ___, COA 363241 (December 28, 2023) (Judges Gleicher, Jansen, and Rick), app lv pdg. In Michigan Dep’t...

The Unauthorized Practice of Law in Michigan ADR – A Journey

By Michael S. Leib, Mediator and Arbitrator Introduction  In 2023 I was appointed to arbitrate a matter in which an out-of-state resident was a party to the proceedings.  The parties had agreed by contract to arbitrate here in Michigan and that Michigan law would...

Our Professionals

Laura A. Athens

The Unauthorized Practice of Law in Michigan ADR – A Journey

By Michael S. Leib, Mediator and Arbitrator Introduction  In 2023 I was appointed to arbitrate a matter in which an out-of-state resident was a party to the proceedings.  The parties had agreed by contract to arbitrate here in Michigan and that Michigan law would...

Newly Neutral

By Lisa W. Timmons, Esq. I have been immersed in the field of ADR as both a provider and practitioner for over 25 years. I am probably most widely known as the Executive Director of the Mediation Tribunal Association (MTA). MTA, the once pilot program that resulted in...

Three ADR Options in Domestic Relations Cases in Michigan

by Philip Schaedler Introduction Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) has gained significant importance in the realm of domestic relations cases, providing a more collaborative, compassionate, and efficient way to resolve conflicts compared to traditional litigation....

Practice Tips for a Successful Mediation

By William D. Gilbride Jr. This article was first published in the Oakland County Legal News on November 21, 2023. Practice Tips for a Successful Mediation Because facilitative mediation has been demonstrably successful in resolving disputes, many courts presiding...

Mediator Ethics and Ethical Dilemmas

By Antoinette R. Raheem MEDIATOR ETHICS AND ETHICAL DILEMMAS While professional ethics for attorneys are required subjects in law schools, ethics for mediators receive much less attention. In most Michigan law schools, the Michigan Mediator Standards of Conduct[1]...

Important Considerations for Sexual Harassment Mediation

By Earlene R. Baggett-Hayes It is an undisputed fact that one can compose a dissertation on workplace sexual harassment mediation and fail to give it justice,. proper attention,. or the thorough analysis it deserves. This article will briefly address a few of the...






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