PREMi - Articles

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Laying the Foundation for Settlement with Ex Parte Communications

  By Sheldon J. Stark – Mediator and Arbitrator Introduction Ex Parte communications are commonplace and completely ethical in the mediation process.  Indeed, where “shuttle diplomacy” is the process model all communication is ex parte.    In this paper,...

What Arbitrators Wish Advocates Knew: Best Practices for Labor and Employment Arbitration

  By Lisa W. Timmons, Esq. Arbitration in labor and employment law presents unique challenges which require advocates to be strategic, precise, and respectful of both the process and the participants. Arbitrators in these cases often observe common missteps that...

Thoughts on the Mediator’s Proposal

By William D. Gilbride Jr. This article was first published in the Oakland County Legal Newson November 2024. Mediation is a private, voluntary dispute resolution process in which a neutral third party--either appointed by a court or invited by all parties to the...

Our Professionals

Laura A. Athens

Newly Neutral

By Lisa W. Timmons, Esq. I have been immersed in the field of ADR as both a provider and practitioner for over 25 years. I am probably most widely known as the Executive Director of the Mediation Tribunal Association (MTA). MTA, the once pilot program that resulted in...

Three ADR Options in Domestic Relations Cases in Michigan

by Philip Schaedler Introduction Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) has gained significant importance in the realm of domestic relations cases, providing a more collaborative, compassionate, and efficient way to resolve conflicts compared to traditional litigation....

Practice Tips for a Successful Mediation

By William D. Gilbride Jr. This article was first published in the Oakland County Legal News on November 21, 2023. Practice Tips for a Successful Mediation Because facilitative mediation has been demonstrably successful in resolving disputes, many courts presiding...

Mediator Ethics and Ethical Dilemmas

By Antoinette R. Raheem MEDIATOR ETHICS AND ETHICAL DILEMMAS While professional ethics for attorneys are required subjects in law schools, ethics for mediators receive much less attention. In most Michigan law schools, the Michigan Mediator Standards of Conduct[1]...

Important Considerations for Sexual Harassment Mediation

By Earlene R. Baggett-Hayes It is an undisputed fact that one can compose a dissertation on workplace sexual harassment mediation and fail to give it justice,. proper attention,. or the thorough analysis it deserves. This article will briefly address a few of the...

Virtual Is Reality: Zoom Mediation Is Here To Stay

Joe Basta One of the few benefits of Covid may be discovery of virtual reality’s utility for dispute resolution. What was born of necessity has now become routine. Zoom[1] appears to be the default for mediation. And now that we are post-pandemic, and no longer under...






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