PREMi - Articles

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Laying the Foundation for Settlement with Ex Parte Communications

  By Sheldon J. Stark – Mediator and Arbitrator Introduction Ex Parte communications are commonplace and completely ethical in the mediation process.  Indeed, where “shuttle diplomacy” is the process model all communication is ex parte.    In this paper,...

What Arbitrators Wish Advocates Knew: Best Practices for Labor and Employment Arbitration

  By Lisa W. Timmons, Esq. Arbitration in labor and employment law presents unique challenges which require advocates to be strategic, precise, and respectful of both the process and the participants. Arbitrators in these cases often observe common missteps that...

Thoughts on the Mediator’s Proposal

By William D. Gilbride Jr. This article was first published in the Oakland County Legal Newson November 2024. Mediation is a private, voluntary dispute resolution process in which a neutral third party--either appointed by a court or invited by all parties to the...

Our Professionals

Laura A. Athens

Functus Officio

  By William D. Gilbride Jr. One area of the law that has recently received some noteworthy attention is the arbitration doctrine of functus officio. The doctrine of functus officio provides that an arbitrator’s duties are generally discharged upon the rendering of a...

Overcoming Reluctance to Engage in Mediation

  Laura A. Athens Many attorneys know and appreciate the benefits of mediation. Those who are familiar with the benefits of mediation readily propose and eagerly participate in it. However, if you encounter resistance, how can you address it. You do what any good...






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