
PREMi Articles

Our articles reflect each member’s commitment to high professional standards as well as each member’s personal commitment to growing their expertise as Resolution Experts.

Football fairness: Lessons for ADR?

   Joe Basta “It’s not fair!” How many times have mediators and negotiators heard that refrain? Whether from the mouth of the negotiator across the table or the politician seeking higher taxes, everyone wants their “fair share.” But what is ‘”fairness” anyway? Is...

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Are they crazy? No, just human!

  Richard L. Hurford In last month’s ADR Spotlight, my PREMI colleague, Laura Athens, authored an incredibly insightful and important article on the psychology of conflict and how litigants process information when in conflict.  As this discussion goes to the heart of...

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Lessons from History

  Lee Hornberger Introduction The Destruction of the Bismarck,[1] Hell in a Very Small Place: The Siege of Dien Bien Phu,[2] and Vietnam: A History [3] are three books that I read yearly. Bismarck explains how Great Britain, with some confidential background American...

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9 PREMi Lawyers named SUPER LAWYERS

  SUPER LAWYERS, a national publication that selects attorneys nominated by their peers, evaluated by third party research and reviewed by a highly credentialed blue-ribbon panel of attorneys has named nine PREMi members as SUPER LAWYERS. Those honored include: GENE...

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Arbitration Advocacy

  Martin Weisman Arbitrations are meant to be cost efficient, quick and more informal than courtroom litigation. However, many litigators seem to forget that. Arbitration pre-hearing conference orders often include phrases such as “the rules of evidence will be...

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Functus Officio

  By William D. Gilbride Jr. One area of the law that has recently received some noteworthy attention is the arbitration doctrine of functus officio. The doctrine of functus officio provides that an arbitrator’s duties are generally discharged upon the rendering of a...

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